Helping agencies unlock better relationships with clients 

We’re delighted to announce we have rolled out a new training course called ‘Unlock Better Client Relationships’ … and it has been an instant hit! 

Where it all began   

We can’t deliver great work if we don’t understand our clients… can you help?’ – asked an agency friend.  

‘Unlock Better Client Relationships’ started in our favourite way: with a live business issue that Alex & I felt well-positioned to tackle for immediate impact. Before setting up LockSmith, we were client-side marketing and innovation directors for over 20 years, meaning we’ve got plenty of experience of being a client ourselves and of working with agencies. We’re also connected to hundreds of great people who are still in senior client-side positions.  

But most importantly, we have both built our careers on the principle that great relationships are at the heart of great work. And it is those learnings that helped us above all else to design a course that would to teach agency teams how to understand their clients better – and deliver better work as a result. 

Developing the course 

When developing the course, we wanted to address the key challenge of managing the idiosyncrasies of different clients & their businesses, while identifying commonalities and ways of working that are guaranteed to succeed.  

With this in mind, the course digs into how to see from the clients’ perspective (such as understanding the reality of commercial pressures and client calendars), how to build out client personas (and why this is useful!), as well as practical tools and frameworks for improving client-agency culture around meetings, decision making and feedback.  

A pilot for our friends at Havas  

We delivered a pilot of the course last week for Havas, one of the world’s largest global communications groups.  

We’re proud to say the course was a great success, with an overall score of 4.6 out of 5 and a whopping NPS of 75. In the words of one delegate, “It was definitely the best training I’ve received around managing client relationships – it was very practical and engaging, and getting the chance to talk to real clients was a massive plus!” 

Get in touch

We can’t wait to roll this course out for other agency partners. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch  if you think we can help you.

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