Alex and I often talk to businesses about their purpose and the positive impact that they want to have in the world, both now and in the future. We’ve experienced a whole range of responses in those conversations. Some organisations have ambitious goals, others are more realistic. But we’ve decided to put our money where our mouth is and we’re making sure that LockSmith is having a positive impact as well. It’s something we feel strongly about.
So, we’ve team up with Sustainably Run Meetings. They have devised an ingeniously simple process that plants a tree for every meeting attendee. And it all happens automatically, driven by the meeting invite we send from Outlook. Immediately after the meeting, each attendee gets an email with a certificate that confirms a tree is being planted on their behalf.
There’s more to come from LockSmith in this area, so keep an eye out. And in the meantime if you’d like to sign your business up to Sustainably Run Meetings, please use this link.